
class iscan.utils.DataGenerator(d: int, s0: int, graph_type: str, noise_std: float | numpy.ndarray | list[float] = 0.5, noise_type: str = 'Gaussian')

Generate synthetic data to evaluate shifted nodes and shifted edges

Defines the class of graphs and data to be generated.

d : int

Number of variables

s0 : int

Expected number of edges in the random graphs

graph_type : str

One of ["ER", "SF"]. ER and SF refer to Erdos-Renyi and Scale-free graphs, respectively.

noise_std : Union[float, np.ndarray, List[float]], optional

Sets the scale (variance) of the noise distributions. Should be either a scalar, or a list (array) of dim d. By default 1.

noise_type : str, optional

One of ["Gaussian", "Laplace", "Gumbel"], by default “Gaussian”.


_simulate_dag(→ numpy.ndarray)

Simulate random DAG with some expected number of edges.

_sample_GP(X[, lengthscale])

_choose_shifted_nodes(→ numpy.ndarray)

Randomly choose shifted nodes

_delete_edges(→ numpy.ndarray)

Generates a new adjacency matrix where some incoming edges (parents) are randomly deleted for the shifted nodes.

_sample_from_same_structs(→ Tuple[numpy.ndarray, ...)

Sample data where both DAGs have the same structure

_sample_from_diff_structs(→ Tuple[numpy.ndarray, ...)

Sample data where both DAGs have the different structures

sample(→ Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray])

Samples two datasets from randomly generated DAGs

Last update: Jan 14, 2024